HySPH Foam Simulation
HySPH Foam Simulation
Starting point for splashes is always an existing HyFLIP simulation. Here it is the simulation from → "Quick Start Tutorials - HyFLIP Fluid Simulation".
Scene Setup
- Set the domain's simulation state to → “Cache” (“yellow rocket”).
- Add a "Foam" emitter from the “Hybrido” shelf.
- Unlink the emitter from the → “Hub” in the → “Relationship Editor”.
- Connect it with the HyFLIP domain.
- If there is a → “k Volume” daemon already connect it with the emitter.
- Reset the scene.
If you want to use the foam emitter's “From splash” option, a splash simulation is required – the associated splash node has to be set to “Cache” as well.
What you see now is a cross in the viewport's centre, indicating that the emitter is not bounded. You can prevent the particles from leaving the domain:
- Add a → “k Volume” daemon – if necessary – and adjust it to the scene with the R key.
- If not done already connect the daemon with the emitter in the → “Relationship Editor” (see above).
- Or make sure that the foam particles will be enclosed inside a container or a cube.
You can control the emission of particles with the parameters under → “Foam Creation”:
- A wide variety of threshold values are used to control in which parts of the HyFLIP fluid splashes will occur. These areas can be → previewed.
- The higher the thresholds, the less particles you will get ("@ angle threshold" is the only exception).
- If you want to create foam from the HyFLIP fluid only disable “From Splash”.
- The “@ emission rate” parameter is also responsible for the number of particles. With foam, this parameter is very sensitive.
, multiple selections available,
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