Nodes - MultiJoints

Nodes - MultiJoints

MultiJoints can prevent the individual elements from separating completely:

  • You can define forces or distances when the connections break, enable or disable connections, achieve plasticity and deformation effects and even mimic constraints like ropes or hinges.
  • One of the most common applications is to connect → prefractured objects.
  • When a certain distance or force is reached, the connection can be released and from that moment the fragments move freely.
  • It is possible to connect soft bodies with rigid bodies, or just different soft bodies.

MultiJoints are not nodes in a physical sense, they are a method to connect rigid and soft bodies and cannot work with objects without → activated dynamics. The MultiJoint node can be found in the → "Object Dynamics" shelf.



Quick Start

We have created two tutorials where you will learn how to work with RealFlow's MultiJoints:

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