Maxwell Render
Maxwell Render
With Maxwell Render it is possible to create interactive "snapshots" from the current frame and studio-quality previews from entire your simulations inside RealFlow. All of RealFlow's physical nodes (particles, meshes, mist, objects, RealWave surfaces) are supported. We have also added several → materials for instant use.
You have to differentiate between three basic modes:
- "Maxwell Interactive". This mode is also called "FIRE". RealFlow creates a temporary render of the current frame that cannot be saved. When you change → viewport perspective, → lighting, and → materials the render will be updated in realtime.
- "Maxwell Preview". RealFlow renders the entire simulation frame by frame. The result is stored as an image sequence and can be viewed in the → "Movie Player".
- "Render". If you want to create a render from a single frame or an animation with a fully-featured user interface click on the appropriate button in the "Render" shelf.
An example image made with "Maxwell Interactive".
Furthermore you can
- adjust your lighting environment (physical sky with sun position, or image based lighting),
- define the render's quality (quality level, render engine, sampling level)
- export channel maps (Alpha, velocity, normal)
The "Maxwell Scene Preferences".
Global settings and adjustments, valid for every scene, are available under
→ Preferences > Preview > Maxwell Options
If you want to change the render engine's parameters for an individual scene go to
, multiple selections available,
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