Nodes - RealWave
Nodes - RealWave
RealWave is a powerful wave simulation toolset for small to mid-range ocean surfaces with versatile features. Objects and standard particles are able to provoke waves from interactions; they can contribute to foam-maps or generate splash particles.
Quick Start
We have created several tutorials and workflow descriptions for you to get you off to a good start:
- → Quick Start Workflows - RealWave Workflows
- → Quick Start Tutorials - Endless Oceans
- → Quick Start Tutorials - Floating Objects
- → Quick Start Tutorials - RealWave-Object Interaction
RealWave Surface Deformers
When a RealWave mesh is added you will see nothing more than a flat surface. A deformer adds structure to this surface:
- You can add and blend as many deformers as you want with a right-click on the RealWave node.
- In the appearing context menu click on “Add”, and choose one of the deformers.
- Once you have added a deformer it will be attached to the RealWave node and you have access to its settings.
These are the available deformer types:
- → Control Points
- → Fractal
- → Spectrum
- → Scripted
- → RWC Sequence
- → Gerstner
- → Ocean Statistical Spectrum
- → Object Interaction
- → Plugins
RealWave Emitters
RealWave provides two specialized standard particle emitter nodes:
- → “Object Splash” creates splashes from impacting or floating objects.
- → “Crest Splash” creates white caps on top of the waves' crests.
, multiple selections available,
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