Caronte - Body Dynamics

Caronte - Body Dynamics

Any polygon object can be turned into a rigid or soft body. The “Objects Dynamics” shelf and an object's → “Dynamics” parameter lets you choose from three states:


Active Rigid Body

Such an object can be moved and it is able to interact with other rigid bodies, soft bodies, fluids, and RealWave surfaces. Furthermore, active rigid bodies can

  • not be → animated, because all transformation are applied dynamically
  • be affected by all force-based daemons
  • be adjusted individually with the → Rigid body” parameters under → “Node Params”.

Passive Rigid Body

These objects act like obstacles, because they cannot be moved by other dynamic bodies or fluids. Anyway, it possible to → animate passive rigid bodies and let them interact with other rigid or soft bodies and fluids; they can also disturb RealWave surfaces:

  • Animated passive rigid bodies have infinite mass and force.
  • This means that they cannot be stopped – except they interact with other static passive rigid bodies.
  • Passive rigid bodies can be adjusted individually with the → “Rigid body” parameters under → “Node Params”.

Soft Body

Soft bodies are deformable and ductile objects. They behave like jelly or rubber, but they can also have properties like clay. Other soft and rigid bodies, fluids and RealWave waves are able to deform this type of objects:

  • It is not possible to → animate soft bodies, because all transformations are applied dynamically.
  • Soft bodies can be adjusted individually with the → “Soft body” parameters under → “Node Params”.