Crown Daemon

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a nice crown simulation from puddle of water. For this purpose an initial state is used.



Here is the nodes list: 

  • 1 “Cube” object serving as a ground node
  • 1 “Sphere” emitter
  • 1 “Gravity” daemon
  • 1 “k Volume” daemon
  • 1 “Crown” daemon

All scene elements can be added from RealFlow's shelves:

  • Standard - Particles | Daemons | Objects
  • RealFlow nodes can be moved, scaled, and rotated with the WR, and E keys.

  • Imported objects from SD files have to be unlocked before they can be transformed with Selected object > Node Params > Node > SD ↔ Curve

  • Viewport perspective is changed with the 123, and 4 keys.

  • Shading modes are toggled with the 789, and 0 keys.

The Initial State Setup

Let's start with the creation of a nice splash and an initial state. Please follow these steps:

  • Objects shelf > Cube
  • Go to Cube01 > Node Params > Node > Scale
  • Do not make it too small – the splash might turn out really big. Set both horizontal values to 50 and the vertical value to 0.1.
  • Standard - Particles shelf > Sphere
  • Go to Sphere01 > Node Params > Node > Position
  • Set the vertical value to 3.0.
  • Daemons shelf > Gravity | k Volume
  • Go to k_Volume01 > Node Params > Node > Scale and set the horizontal values to 50.0. The vertical value is 15.0


The “Sphere01” emitter settings are located in the “Node Params” panel:

  • Particles > Resolution > 15
  • This value creates approx. 62,000 particles.
  • Sphere > Randomness > 3.0
  • A higher value produces a more natural splash.
  • We do not want a continuous emission: Sphere > Fill sphere > Yes
  • Hit “Reset” to fill the emitter.


With the current settings, a large amount of particles will slide over the cube where they will be deleted by the “k Volume” daemon. Here is how to avoid this:

  • Cube01 > Node Params > Liquid – Particles Interaction > Particle friction > 0.05
  • The higher friction will decelerate the particles and finally stops them.


Now simulate until the particles have come to rest. The “Cube01” object's high friction settings make a “k Speed” daemon unnecessary. Create the initial state:

  • Move the timeline slider to an arbitrary frame where the particles are motionless.
  • Under Sphere01 > Node Params > Initial State set “Use Initial State” to “Yes” and press “Make Initial State”.
  • Click on the small triangle next to the “Reset” button and activate “Reset To Initial State”.
  • Sphere > Fill sphere > No
  • Sphere > Speed > 0.0
  • These two steps prevent the emitter from creating new particles after resetting the scene.
  • Reset the scene.



At frame 0 you will see the splash and now the simulation will start from this saved state. Now we can add the “Crown” daemon.

Adjusting the Crown Daemon

What we want to achieve is a splash with a circular basis and an oval crown – similar to a vase, but a bit more “squashed”. We also want one side to be higher than its opposite side to get an irregular shape. Furthermore, there are 15 spikes with different heights. For “Surface tension”, a high value will be used: 100 and greater is ok. Finally, splash creation should start after one second.

  • Daemons shelf > Crown



All crown-related settings are made under Crown01 > Node Params > Crown:

  • Creation time > 1.0
  • Spikes count > 15.0
  • To prevent the crown from being too thin or lacking particles it is a good idea to increase “Crown width”. A good value lies around 0.2.
  • We do not want the crown rising too fast, but it should not be too flat, on the other hand: Strength = 40.0
  • The “Strength” parameter is very likely subject to changes during your simulation and the above value is just a reference. Together with “Acting time” you are able to fine tune the crown's final height.
  • Acting time = 0.15
  • The “Acting time” parameter is very sensitive and changes should be performed carefully.


Please note that the values above are the result of several tests and you may have to adjust them to get the desired splash.

Shaping the Crown

Now it is time to edit the daemon's viewport gizmo:

  • Crown01 > Node Params > Crown > EDIT
  • The viewport has a yellow frame indicating the editing mode.
  • All editable points are displayed in yellow.
  • Spline points also have tangents with individual control points.
  • Spline points can be arranged freely in 3D space; spike points (“tendrils”) can only be moved vertically.



The basic mode of operation is exactly the same as with any spline in 2D and 3D programs, but we have to differentiate between three types of points:

  1. Spline control points
  2. Spline tangent points
  3. Spike points (yellow dots with a straight line)


In order to move a point

  • press the W key to switch to RealFlow's move mode
  • click on a control point and drag it either along one of the axis or freely with a click on one of the coloured squares
  • click on a spike point and move it along the shown arrow
  • click on a tangent point and change the spline's curvature.

Please note that it is also possible to select multiple points with the Shift key. These points can be moved together. This is also valid for tangent and spike points.

Here are a few images from our “Crown Daemon” tutorial: