Relationship Editor Basics

Relationship Editor Basics

With the → "Relationship Editor (RE)" you define which scene elements will be able to interact simply by drawing lines between icons.

The best way to explain its functionality is an example. Imagine a scene where you want to perform a comparison between three “Circle” emitters. Every emitter should be affected by its own “Gravity” daemon with individual settings.



  • As long as nodes are connected via a hub they will interact without limits.
  • Remove the connections between the “Gravity” daemons and “Hub01”. To do this, select the lines with the mouse and press Del.
  • Draw a new line between “Gravity01” and “Circle01” with the mouse and keep the Ctrl/Cmd key pressed.
  • Repeat this process for the remaining nodes.
  • It is safe to delete the "Hub01" element as well.
  • Now every daemon will act exclusively on its linked emitter.



The “Relationship Editor” supports you by highlighting the nodes which can be connected. It is also possible to add new hubs and create different groups of interacting nodes. 

There are more things you can do: 

  • Press the Tab key for adding new scene nodes from a menu (see image below).
  • When you remove a node from the “Relationship Editor” it will also be deleted from the scene and vice versa.
  • Nodes can be grouped. Select them, right-click on the canvas and select “Group”.
  • Every node has its own right-click menus with specific options.
  • You can add notes for adding your own annotations. Right-click on the empty canvas and choose “Add New Note”.

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