Right-Click and Tab Menus

Right-Click and Tab Menus

Almost every RealFlow user interface element provides a right-click menu. You can find them for the → viewport, the → icon bars, individual parameter's, nodes etc. Of course, the menus' contents differ strongly, but the entries are self-explaining. There is, for example, quick access to

  • nodes
  • shading modes
  • transformations tools (select, move, rotate, scale)
  • zoom functions
  • animation keys and curves
  • perspective views
  • help topics
  • and many more.

Various right-click menus: viewport, single elements of the "Relationship Editor" and the "Nodes" panels.

Tab Menus

Another category are the “Tab” menus. As the name indicates, these menus are opened with the Tab key, and they are available for the → Relationship Editor (RE)” and the “RealFlow Graphs” (→ "Batch Graph" and → "Simulation Flow") editors.

  • The “Relationship Editor” provides a menu for adding new nodes to the scene – including → hubs and → notes.
  • The “RealFlow Graphs” menus contain categorized lists with all of the graphs engines nodes.
  • Both menu types have a comfortable live search function. When you start to enter letters the result will be displayed and refined immediately.