RealWave-Object Interaction

RealWave-Object Interaction

When a → RealWave surface a → Object interaction global” tag is always added. This tag establishes the connection between an object and the wave surface, and cannot be removed. By default, all objects in the scene are governed by the tag's adjusted values, but this is not always wanted. RealFlow gives you the ability to control every object individually and control its influence on the surface. In this scene, three spheres will float down a river-like RealWave surface and create different waves.

The scene setup with a rectangular RealWave surface and three spheres.

Here is the node list for this tutorial:

  • 1 “RealWave” object
  • 3 “Sphere” nodes
  • 1 “Gravity” daemon

All scene elements can be added from RealFlow's “Edit” menu:

  • Add > RealWave | Objects | Daemons
  • RealFlow nodes can be moved, scaled, and rotated with the WR, and E keys.
  • Imported objects from SD files have to be unlocked before they can be transformed with Selected object > Node Params > Node > SD ↔ Curve
  • Viewport perspective is changed with the 1, 23, and 4 keys.
  • Shading modes are toggled with the 789, and 0 keys.

The Setup

  • Add a RealWave surface (there cannot be more than one RealWave node in a scene).

  • Rescale the surface to your needs with the R key or the parameters under Node Params > Scale. The surface should be a long, rectangular mesh.

  • Create three spheres

  • Shift the spheres to the left of the RealWave mesh with the W key

  • Change to RealFlow's “Top” view with the 1 key.

  • Align the spheres along a vertical line so that they have exactly the same start positions.

  • Add a “Gravity” daemon.

Adjusting the RealWave Surface

As mentioned in the introduction, the RealWave surface should have a river-like behaviour:

  • RealWave01 > Node Params > RealWave > Downstream > 4.0 (or any other value greater than 0.0)

  • “Stream angle” defines the direction of the downstream. Here, 0.0 can be used, because the spheres will move from the left to the right (= positive X direction) and this direction represents an angle of 0 degrees.

  • If you want a higher mesh resolution decrease “Polygon size”. Good values range between 0.07 and 0.02.

Adjusting the Spheres

  • Select the first sphere.
  • Node Params > Node > Dynamics > Active rigid body
  • Node Params > Rigid body > @ mass > 250.0

Create and connect the → "Object Interaction" deformers:

  • RealWave01 > right-click > Add Wave > Object interaction (3x)
  • Under the "Sphere01" node's "Interaction Wave" option choose the first deformer.
  • Repeat the last step for the remaining spheres, but attach “Object interaction02” to “Sphere02” and “Object interaction03” to “Sphere03”.

Adjusting the “Object Interaction” Tags

  • Expand the "Realwave01" node under "Nodes" and click on "Object interaction01"
  • Leave the default settings for “Object interaction01”
  • Object interaction02 > Node Params > Object interaction > Max height > 0.25
  • Object interaction02 > Node Params > Object interaction > Wave speed > 1.5

  • Object interaction03 > Node Params > Object interaction > Max height > 0.5
  • Object interaction03 > Node Params > Object interaction > Wave speed > 2.0

The Simulation

Click on “Simulate”. As you can see, the settings have different influence on the spheres. You can observe higher waves and faster moving spheres. Of course, the waves have impact on the spheres' motion paths as well.

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