HySPH Bubbles & Foam Simulation

HySPH Bubbles & Foam Simulation

Starting point for splashes is always an existing HyFLIP simulation. Here it is the simulation from → "Quick Start Tutorials - HyFLIP Fluid Simulation".



Quick Start

  • Set the domain's simulation state to → “Cache” (“yellow rocket”).
  • Other, already simulated HySPH emitters have be set to “Cache” as well.
  • Add a “Bubbles & Foam” emitter from the “Hybrido” shelf.
  • Reset the scene.


What you see now is a cross in the viewport's centre, indicating that the emitter is not bounded. You can prevent the particles from leaving the domain:

  • Add/reuse a → “k Volume” daemon and adjust it to the scene with the R key.
  • Or make sure that the particles will be enclosed inside a container or a cube.


You can control the emission of particles with the parameters under → “Bubbles Creation”:



  • Two threshold values are used to control in which parts of the HyFLIP fluid splashes will occur.
  • The higher the thresholds, the less particles you will get.
  • The “Emission rate” parameter is also responsible for the number of particles.


The creation of foam cannot be controlled manually, because its appearance is driven by the behaviour of the bubbles. To adjust how fast the foam should dissolve go to → “Foam Dynamics”.




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