HySPH Mist Simulation

HySPH Mist Simulation

Starting point for mist is always an existing HyFLIP and splash/wet simulation. Here the simulations from → "Quick Start Tutorials - HyFLIP Fluid Simulation" and → "Quick Start Tutorials - HySPH Splash Simulation" are used.

Quick Start

  • Set the domain's and splash emitter's simulation state to → “Cache” (“yellow rocket”).
  • Other, already simulated HySPH emitters have be set to “Cache” as well.
  • Add a “Mist” node from the “Hybrido” shelf.
  • Reset the scene.


What you can see now is a bounding box with a dimension of 10 m x 10 m x 10 m. The box can be positioned and scaled with the settings under Node Params > Node or the W and R keys. Mist is

  • only created inside this box and it cannot leave its domain
  • not affected by “k” daemons.


Open the → “Mist” parameter section for further adjustments:

  • Cell size” can be set independently from the domain's own → “Cell size” value.
  • Solver” should be “Fast” – the results will be good enough.
  • Radius threshold” is the most important parameter, because it controls the amount of foam (see below for more information).


The "Radius threshold" parameter depends on the splash particles' lifetime.

  • When a splash particle is created its radius is 1. Depending on the lifetime settings, the particle's radius becomes smaller over time until it reaches 0.
  • Lifetime is adjusted under → "Splash Dynamics" or → "Wet Dynamics".
  • You have to decrease these parameters in most cases, e.g. to 1.5 s ("Splash | Wet min lifetime") and 2.0 s ("Splash | Wet max lifetime").
  • Smaller thresholds will reduce the amount of mist.


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