Combining procedural textures - Advanced use.

Combining procedural textures - Advanced use.

Random Color + Random UVs + Checker

We are going to use Random Color, Random UVs and Checker procedurals to get a parquet-like material out of one single wood texture.


We’ve made a material with a layer for even rows, another layer for odd ones and a glossy layer on top. Even and Odd layers have an opacity map made with the checker procedural texture to get black and white rows with opposite colors so one layer affects the even rows and the other one the odd ones.

Using the checker procedural to mask the two layers (click to enlarge).


For reflectance 0 on the bsdf on each layer, we set the tiling like this: repetition of 4 (horizontal) and 16 (vertical), note that is needed to have the same vertical tiling than the number of rows of the checker texture on layer opacity.

The even layer has a horizontal offset of 0.5, to get the effect of shifted boards. Then we add a new Random Uvs. We select the texture map, and on that Texture Picker we select the wood texture from our drive, and we set repetition to 1/8, offset to 0.5 and rotation to 355. With this, we are only using a portion of the texture, and we translate the part we use. We do this because the texture is not seamless, and we don't want the border to show in the image.

The Random UVs texture only has maximum values and not minimum. You would like to have a rotation between -90º and 90º. This can be done setting the inner texture map to 270º (-90º) and Max random angle to 180º. This is why we use a value of 355 on the inner texture, as we want random rotation between -5º and 5º.

The random values are 0,5 for translation and 10º for rotation. “Randomize tiles” box has to be checked in this case.

Then we add a new Random Color texture to the stack, we need to set a blending factor to 50, so both textures are blended with the same influence. We set HSV values to have some difference in each wood sample. Randomize tiles box has to be checked here too.

Combining Random UVs and Random Color procedurals (click to enlarge).


Here is the resulting .mxm material:


The result is a wood panel with shifted rows, subtle color variations and different texture parts shown in each tile with small rotation on each board.



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