FAQ - Meshing

FAQ - Meshing

How can I build a Mesh?

For particle meshes visit → "Quick Start Tutorials - Particle-Based Meshing", for Hybrido meshes you can information under → "HyFLIP Displacement".

How does the "Hybrido Mesh" work?

Hybrido meshes needs a Hybrido domain node in order to work. The domain has to be added to the "Hybrido Mesh" node under "Nodes" with a right-click. There, choose "Insert domain" and make your settings. Once this has happened, the workflow is exactly the same as described above.

How can I get a thin mesh?
Thin sheets of fluid are not very tricky. Please make sure that you have enough particles and use the mesh engine's filters. When you use the "Particle Mesh" engine you should also try the "Weighted anisotropic" mode.
Is the 'build mesh' action multithreaded?

The "Particle Mesh (Legacy)" engine is the only one that is not multi-threaded.

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