FAQ - Plugins: XSI

FAQ - Plugins: XSI

Why can’t I see the RealFlow plugin in Softimage|XSI?

Verify that you have installed the correct plugin for your platform in the File > Plugin-Manager > Plugins tab.

Why does my plugin not work with the older versions of Softimage that I have installed?

Make sure that you have installed the correct plugin for your version and that you do not have a common folder for Softimage in the user folder. We try to update our plugins in accordance with the latest version. If you are looking for an old version that is not in the download area, please contact us via techdesk, we may be able to help.

Why are my particles not loading in Softimage|XSI?

Check the correct path for the particles and the padding size. Softimage|XSI will be able to apply the correct padding size automatically.

Why are the meshes not loading in Softimage|XSI??

Check the path and the number of frames for the mesh you are loading in the "RF_mesh_import" object.

Why is ICE not showing my particle tree?

Click on the "Update" button in the ICE dialog.

Why is my mixer material not visible in the render?

Verify that you have enabled the "rf_mesh_mixer" and that you have connected the Mixer to the diffuse in the RenderTree.

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