Meshing Questions

Meshing Questions

How can I build a Mesh?

Add a mesh node (particle meshes for Dyverso and standard particle fluids, Hybrido for Hybrido fluids) from the Mesh shelf:

  • Then right-click on the mesh node and choose a method for inserting emitters or a Hybrido domain.
  • Make your adjustments.
  • Choose Mesh shelf > Build for a single mesh, or use "Build Mesh Sequence"
How does the "Hybrido Mesh" work?

Hybrido meshes needs a Hybrido domain node in order to work. The domain has to be added to the "Hybrido Mesh" node under "Nodes" with a right-click. There, choose "Insert domain" and make your settings. Once this has happened, the workflow is exactly the same as described above.

How can I get a thin mesh?
The quality of a mesh mainly depends on the number of particles, and the mesh's "Polygon size" and "Radius" parameters. If the mesh looks blobby or muddy we recommend using the mesh engine's different filters.
Is the 'build mesh' action multithreaded?

The "Particle Mesh (Legacy)" engine is the only one that is not multi-threaded.

How do I mesh Hybrido secondary fluids (splashes, foam, etc.)?

In most cases secondary fluids are not meshed, but rendered as particles to create a realistic impression. If you want to mesh them anyway use the particle mesh engines.

My mesh has sharp edges and looks like liquid metal. What happend there?

This look occurs when the mesh's filter settings ("Relaxation" and "Steps") are too high. It can also happen with high "Thinning" and "Erode" (OpenVDB filter) settings.

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