What is a script?
Are there any beginner tutorials?
For common, not RealFlow-specific introductions we recommend an internet search. There are many tutorials suited for beginners, intermediates, and advanced users.
If you want to learn how to use Python in conjunction with RealFlow, the most effective way is to analyze existing scripts. There are several resources, e.g.
- → RealFlow Python Quick Start pages
- → RealFlow Python Code Examples
- → waterline magazine "Scripting with RealFlow" (free).
- → Pluralsight (commercial, formerly "DigitalTutors").
Is there a Python reference?
Go to RealFlow's main menu and choose Help > Scripting Reference...
Is there an online Python reference?
Currently there is no online reference, but all help files are in HTML format and can be displayed in a browser. They are located in RealFlow's application folder:
Linux | /realflow/doc/help/scripting |
OS X | /Applications/RealFlow 2016/doc/help/scripting |
Windows | C:\Programs\Next Limit\RealFlow 2016\doc\help\scripting |
How do I place or load python scripts into the GUI version of RealFlow?
See → "Adding Python Scripts" for detailed information.
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