Daemons - k Age

Daemons - k Age

With this daemon it is possible to define a life-span for the particles and remove them when this limit is reached. Another possibility is to create more particles based on a particle’s lifetime. In the latter case it is possible to spawn huge amounts of particles which can also be important for foam or spray effects with standard emitters and scripted solutions. The "k Age" daemon can only affect regular particles and has no effect on grid fluid particles.




This parameter sets the life-span for all particles given in frames [f]. Just as a memory hook: if you do not know whether a time-depending parameter expects frames or seconds, just have a look at the default value. Frames are always integers, e.g. 5 or 210, while seconds are floats with decimals, for example 4.25 or 6.5.


To avoid an abrupt disappearance of particles it is recommended to alter the life span and create a more random behaviour. The variation or tolerance is also quoted in frames [f] and accepts both negative and positive values. Please be careful with very high variation settings, because they can create an unwanted flickering which is noticeable especially with fluid meshes.


Instead of deleting the particles you can also force the daemon to create more particles at a certain life value. In this case, "k Age" splits up the particles and creates a certain number of new particles. This number is specified under “@ # child”. The amount of particles can rapidly grow when this option is active. If simulation times drastically increase, we recommend using the “Dumb” particle type instead of “Liquid”. Dumb particles are simulated much faster, because they do not interact with each other. This is why they are perfectly suited to all kinds of foam, spray or additional splashes.

@ # child

Here you can define the number of child particles to be created if “Split” is set to “Yes”.