Quick Start Tutorials

Quick Start Tutorials

In this section you will find a series of beginner tutorials to support your first steps with RealFlow. Maybe even experienced long-time users will find a few tips for their daily work. All relevant topics are covered:

  • Hybrido fluids
  • Particle-based (SPH) fluids
  • Meshing
  • Rigid and soft body dynamics (“Caronte”)
  • RealWave
  • Daemons

Some of the tutorials also combine different technologies, e.g. RealWave surfaces and rigid body dynamics. The lessons share exactly the same format. In the first section you get an overview about the tutorial's goals and contents, together with a list of the required nodes. There is also a common section, telling you how to position, scale, or rotate nodes. You also get information about where to find the scene's nodes and how to import external objects.

The “Setup” section tells you how to create the basic scene, followed by more specific subchapters where you are instructed how to fine-tune the nodes' parameters. There are screenshots and rendered images to give you a better idea of the final results.

We do not provide ready-to-use scenes for download and this, of course, has a good reason: we want you to follow the lessons' steps and try to find your own solution, play with the parameters, and get a sense of achievement. This is something that cannot be achieved with pre-assembled project files where you just take a look at the settings and hit simulate.

Maybe you will get different results, because you work with other values, masses, or scales. But, this is no problem at all and actually desirable: the scenes should also serve a starting point for more complex projects and help you to understand RealFlow's workflows.