Command Line
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Range (A)
Same as scene
When this option is checked the command line simulation's range is exactly the same as the one adjusted on the → timeline.
Frame begin | Frame end
If you want to simulate on a certain frame range deactivate “Same as scene” and enter start and end frames.
Threads (B)
Same as scene
When enabled the number of threads is read from the scene's → “Simulation Options: General”.
Disable “Same as scene” and enter the desired number.
Args (C)
With this option enabled, RealFlow will perform a simulation with the current scene settings.
The simulation will be reset before it starts. All previously cached data will be overwritten. This flag is necessary for simulations with initial states.
Use cache
This option has to be active if you want to resume from an interrupted simulation.
If you want to process a meshing job only activate this option.
Others (D)
Use Node License
When active RealFlow uses a computer with a "Node" license for the simulation, not the "Standard" GUI version. Of course, the remote computer must be available in the network and requires a proper license.