Projects Dialog

Projects Dialog


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General (A)

Default tab

Here you specify the tab that is being shown when RealFlow's project manager is open. There are three tabs: → "Projects", → "New", and → "Learn".

Default open action

When you want to open a new project you will see RealFlow's "Project dialog" by default. The other option is to use your operating system's standard dialogue.

Default save option

When you save a project you will see RealFlow's "Project dialog" by default. The other option is to use your operating system's standard dialogue.

Projects Section (B)

Default tab

The projects manager's "Projects" tab is subdivided into "Recent projects" and "Projects folder". Decide, which one you want to see by default.

Default sort mode

How do you want to sort the projects? By date or name (ascending or descending)?

Maximum search depth level

RealFlow's project manager searches in the "Default folder", specified below or in the preferences's → "General" section. Here you set the folder level where RealFlow will be looking for projects.

Default folder

This is the standard folder where RealFlow will look for existing projects or creates new scenes. This folder can also be changed under → "Scenes Folder" in the preferences's "General" section.

Remember last used folder

When checked RealFlow will keep the last opened folder.

New Section (C)

You can create standard projects, for example for your own presets or setups with certain objects or nodes included, and save them as templates. Here, the default path is specified where RealFlow will look for the templates.

The templates appear in the → "New" tab of RealFlow's project manager.

Learn Section (D)

Default tab

The "Learn" section of the project manager is subdivided into two tabs: "Demo projects" and "Tutorials". Choose, which one you want to see by default.

Demo projects folder

RealFlow comes with lots of example projects, stored in the application folder. If you want to store them somewhere else, copy/move the projects to a new drive and update the "Demo projects folder".

This comes in handy if you want to simulate and cache the demo projects.

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