CM - Editing Commands

You will see different windows when editing built-in commands, scripts, graphs, or C++ plugins. Your changes will be saved to the “RealFlowCommands.xml” file specified under → "Preferences".


With this command type your changes are limited to the → “Shortcut Editor”.

Scripts and Graphs

These types are fully editable – as long as the commands have not been provided by RealFlow:

  • Complete or add the input fields, change the icon, or edit a script/graph.

  • Embedded scripts/graphs can be turned into references and saved to disk.

  • Referenced script/graphs can be embedded inside RealFlow.

  • When a graph with “GraphInterface” nodes is executed you will see a user interface with initial values. The → “Input parameters” section lets you configure such an UI.

C++ Plugins

With this command type your changes are limited to the → “Shortcut Editor”. If the plugin provides an UI you are also able to define new default values with the buttons of the → “Input parameters” section. These definitions will not be stored permanently and they are discarded when RealFlow is closed.