Shelves Manager

Shelves Manager

Shelves are a convenient way to organize RealFlow's functions, tools, scripts, plugin, and graphs. They can be seen as drawers or containers where you can attach different elements to group them or provide quick access.

Please take a look at → “Quick Start Configuration - Shelves” to learn how add and edit shelves, add new commands, and change their order.

The “Shelves Manager” is located in the “Tools” shelf, contains three main areas and some buttons.

Shelves Area (A)

The first panel shows all currently available shelves:

  • If you want to create a new shelf click on “Add new shelf”.
  • Existing shelves are deleted with “Remove selected”.
  • To disable a shelf temporarily disable its check box.

Selected Shelf Commands (B)

When a shelf is selected in the “Shelves” area you will see its commands here:

  • Subdivide the list of entries with “Add separator”.
  • Selected commands are removed from the shelf with “Remove selected”.

Full RealFlow Commands List (C)

This is a list with all of RealFlow's internal commands and the ones you have been adding, e.g. Python scripts or graphs:

  • The search field lets you browse through the commands. The results are refined in realtime while you enter your search criterium.
  • Select the commands you want to add to a shelf and click on the button with the triangle.
  • To edit a command's properties double click on it.


Drag and drop is also supported from

  • the → “Commands Manager (CM)” to the “Shelves Manager”, and the UI's shelves
  • the “Shelves Manager” to the UI's shelfs
  • external files to the UI's shelves. This action creates file reference commands – allowed extensions are PY, RFS, RFG, and XML.

Additional Buttons (D)

Export | Import

The shelves and their contents can be saved to a XML file for backup or exchange purposes. A self-explaining dialogue provides export options. With “Import”, the XML file can be read to restore the shelves.

You also have direct access to RealFlow's → “Commands Manager (CM)” and → “Shortcut Editor”.