MaxwellMayaCoating class

MaxwellMayaCoating class


Coatings are used in Maxwell to simulate thin film interference. See this section in the main manual for details on the feature.

Texturable attributes: thickness (AttrType_Double).

Base class: MaxwellMayaMaterialComponent.


const MaxwellMayaReflectance*GetReflectance() const
voidSetEnabled(bool enabled)
boolGetEnabled() const
voidSetThicknessRange(double thicknessMin, double thicknessMax)
voidGetThicknessRange(double& thicknessMin, double& thicknessMax) const
 Inherited methods

void Destroy()

Destroys the coating, removing it from the parent BSDF.

MaxwellMayaReflectance* GetReflectance()
const MaxwellMayaReflectance* GetReflectance() const

Returns a handle for the reflectance sub-component of this coating.

void SetEnabled(bool enabled)
bool GetEnabled() const

Coatings can be disabled, in which case they do not contribute to the rendering in any way.

Attribute name: enabled (AttrType_Bool).

void SetThicknessRange(double thicknessMin, double thicknessMax)
void GetThicknessRange(double& thicknessMin, double& thicknessMax) const

When the thickness attribute is textured, these two values control the range where the texture values are mapped: black corresponds to thicknessMin and white corresponds to thicknessMax. In Python, GetThicknessRange takes no arguments and returns the values as a 2-tuple.

Attribute names: thicknessMin (AttrType_Double)thicknessMax (AttrType_Double).

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