Menu - View

Most of the "View" menu's entries are self-explaining or discussed in detail in dedicated chapters. Therefore, only some important commands are explained.



Show > Selection HighlightingDisplays the selected node as if it was not selected to get a better view of its structure.
Scene Shading > Wireframe Back FacesShows the inside of objects when their normals are inverted.

Fast View

Displays nodes as bounding boxes during → viewport navigation.

Show Preview Caption

Print information about the scene to the viewport. Adjust the text in the → “Preferences - Preview” section.

Show Screen Texture

You can fit a bitmap into a viewport as a background.

Load Screen Texture...

Choose a bitmap to load into the viewport as a background. The image has to be reapplied with each start of RealFlow.

Disable ViewportsHide the viewport elements and speed up your simulation by up to 30%

Follow selected

The camera will follow the selected moving object.