Menu - Tools

Menu - Tools

Most of the menu's entries are self-explaining or discussed in detail in dedicated chapters. Therefore, only some important commands are explained.


System plugins manager...

Displays information about the plugins loaded within RealFlow.

User plugins manager...

Displays information about the loaded 3rd party plugins.

Clean Data Folder...

Deletes all simulation files (cannot be undone!)

Generate Class ID...

Create an ID for your own C++ plugins. Only relevant for programmers.

Memory > Purge Memory

Only relevant when → standard particles start to misbehave.

Memory > Purge All Graphs

Remove everything a graph has added to the viewport.

Memory > Clear Undo Stack

Empties the current undo actions to free memory.

Various toolsClick here for complete descriptions: → "Tools  "
Fracture toolsClick here for complete descriptions: → "Fracture Tools"