PL - Filters

PL - Filters

Filters are a very important and effective tool to sharpen meshes and eliminate the rounded and “blobby” look.




In order to apply the various mesh filters, please enable this feature.

@ Relaxation

This type stretches and sharpens the mesh’s edges and gives you a much more natural look. The default value does not have to be changed in most cases, and you should alter “@ steps” instead. Over-relaxed meshes have sharp borders and a stringy look.

@ Tension

If you can see unwanted ripples and patterns on your mesh please this parameter: enter a base value of 0.1 and adjust the filter's strength with “@ steps”.

@ Steps

A few notes on this parameter:

  • A range between 8 and 32 works best for most applications.
  • Higher values mean less mesh detail.
  • Very high settings (100+) produce unrealistic results, unless you really want to achieve a certain effect, e.g. liquid metal.

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