HyDomain - Fluid Dynamics



This parameter lets you create various substances like water, cream, chocolate, oil, honey ,or tooth paste. “Viscosity” can be animated over time. Please follow this link for a table with more than 100 viscosity value ready to use here:


If you want to simulate viscous substances you can also enter the fluid's appropriate density value to get a complete material definition. Currently it is not possible in Hybrido to simulate fluids with different “Density” values, for example oil and water. In most cases, this parameter can be left untouched.

Conserve volume

If you can see particles disappearing, for example in conjunction with fast moving objects, you should consider setting this option to “Yes”. If the amount of vanishing particles is very high (50% per second or more) then it is very difficult to recover the original volume. In this case, please increase the number of → “MIN | MAX substeps”.

Vorticity boost

To get a more turbulent fluid, increase this factor, but try to avoid very high values (unless necessary), because they can completely distort the fluid. In many cases, values between 2.0 and 5.0 produce good results.

Track lonely particles

Isolated particles, leaving the main fluid body, can cause huge deformations when they hit the fluid's surface. To avoid this behaviour please set this option to “Yes”. Lonely particles can have a lifetime that is defined with “@ min | max lifetime” parameters.

@ min lifetime

If you want to delete lonely particles immediately please use very small values for "@ min | max lifetime", e.g. 0.01s | 0.01 s. With longer lifetimes, lonely particles will still be able to contribute to the simulation. The actual lifetime is calculated randomly from both parameters.

@ max lifetime

If you want to delete lonely particles immediately please use very small values for "@ min | max lifetime", e.g. 0.01s | 0.01 s. With longer lifetimes, lonely particles will still be able to contribute to the simulation. The actual lifetime is calculated randomly from both parameters.