HM - Display
HM - Display
This is place where the mesh's viewport representation is controlled.
Toggle the mesh's visibility.
Mesh visibility can range from opaque (0.0) to completely transparent (1.0). This feature does not work when “Render as points” is active.
Back face culling
When enabled RealFlow does not draw hidden mesh polygons.
Extension draft
When the mesh's → extension feature is active you will see a grid (number of tiles in U and V direction), a square with a solid line (“@ Fall Off from”), and a square with a dashed line (“@ Fall Off to”).
Render as points
With this mode, only the mesh's vertices will be displayed. Their size can be controlled with the associated “@ Points size” parameter.
@ Point size
When “Render as points” is active only the mesh's vertices will be displayed and here you can control their size.