JM - Workgroups

JM - Workgroups

In networks it is possible to create different workgroups, for example depending on a division’s tasks, like fluid simulation, rendering or compositing. With “Workgroups” you can tell the "Job Manager", which groups of computers should be used for network simulations. You can even choose which machines within a workgroup will contribute to a network job and, of course, the number of available nodes depends on your license.


An example of a “Workgroup” table with an added node.

Workgroups – “Add” / Workgroups – "Edit"

Clicking on “Add” or "Edit" leads you to a new page where you can make the desired settings and restrictions. The setup is simple, because you just have to enter a workgroup and the number of simulating nodes. Available workgroups and nodes within the observed workgroup are also displayed.


Editing and adding workgroups share exactly the same settings and parameters. 



Workgroup Name

Here you can enter any valid name of an existing workgroup. Please note that workgroup names do not allow blanks or special characters. Recursive workgroups are not allowed. Any workgroup containing the one you are editing will not appear on the list of selectable workgroups. Even if it is displayed, it cannot be used for simulation tasks.

Workgroup members

Inside this multi-option field you can see the available members of a workgroup.

Maximum number of nodes simulating

To specify how many machines of a workgroup should be able to simulate RealFlow jobs, enter the desired number here. With 0, all nodes will be taken into account, as long as they have appropriate licenses. When a workgroup reaches its maximum amount of running jobs, the rest of its nodes will be disabled.

Working Activity

With “Enabled” you make sure that the current workgroup and its nodes can be used for simulations. Disabling a workgroup turns off all nodes belonging to it recursively. Please note that a workgroup cannot be disabled while any of its nodes is simulating.


“Reset” restores the previously visible settings and “Submit” passes everything to the "Job Manager". You will probably have to reload the web-interface to make the changes visible.