JM - Edit

JM - Edit

With "Edit" you can open and alter the parameters of a job, but please keep in mind that your changes will not have any influence if you have created the job with the "Send to job manager" button in RealFlow's GUI version. The reason is that this button creates a RFS script that includes the necessary information to trigger a network simulation. "Edit" does not change this RFS script! So, editing a job makes only sense when you 

  • have created the job manually

  • want to check the network simulations parameters of an automatically created job ("Send to job manager")

  • change the RFS file together with settings of the automatically created job.



RealFlow Scene or Script

This field specifies the path to the desired FLW or RFS file which will be used for the current network simulation.

Translation Rules

Here you can see four fields, carrying rules for working with heterogeneous networks.

Delete Scene or Script file when simulation ends

If this button is checked, all temporary files will be removed to save disk space, but you have the option to keep them – it is your choice.

Assign to workgroup or node

If you want to bind the job to a certain workgroup or node, you can choose the available machines and groups from the drop down menu.


Under “Name” you can enter the name of the IDOC meant to be simulated with this job. It must be exactly the same name as seen under RealFlow’s "Node" panel. If the IDOC cannot be found, the "Job Manager" prints out a status warning: “Unknown idoc”. In script mode it is not possible to make any changes to this or the following settings, because they are already determined in a script that is created automatically with the “CmdSendJob” plugin.

Frame range

“First frame” and “Last frame” tell RealFlow where to start and stop the simulation.

Maximum number of threads

This setting specifies how many threads will be used for the current job.

Mesh Particles

Check this box if you want to create meshes from the particles of the previously entered IDOC.

Preview with Maxwell Render

If you want to trigger a preview render instead of a simulation, please activate this feature.

Use Cache

If you want to create meshes in post-process, tick this option. In this case, the already simulated data from the related IDOC are read and used for meshing.

Reset Simulation

If this function is active, the scene will be forced to reset before the simulation starts. This can be an interesting option for scenes using scripts to initialize certain variables.

RealFlow 201X required

Here you can bind a simulation to RealFlow 201X. Please note that all simulation nodes must share exactly the same version number.


If you select “Reset”, you will reset to the "Job Manager’s" default values, as with web-based forms. “Submit” will send your settings to the "Job Manager".

There are also a few things to bear in mind with jobs, sent to the "Job Manager" via the “CmdSendJob” plug-in. These jobs 

  • do not have any workgroup assigned.

  • do not have any minimum number of threads assigned.

  • are always set to “Pending” status.

The other fields are also filled in automatically and contain various specifications about your simulation. This information will be updated automatically.