Editor Canvas

Editor Canvas

The window’s main element is the canvas. Once you start to add scene elements, the canvas will be filled with nodes.



There are several basic operations:

  • Click on a node to select it. Shift-click or draw a rectangle to select more than one node.
  • Click-drag to move a node to a new position.
  • Hit Del or Backspace to delete nodes.
  • Click on a link to select it; hit Del or Backspace to delete it.


New connections between nodes are created this way:

  • Place the mouse pointer over a node.
  • Press the Cmd/Ctrl key while dragging a new line between two nodes.
  • During the connection process invalid nodes are dimmed, and valid connections are displayed in green.


These are the fundamental operations:



Alt + RMB + mouse drag 


MMB + mouse drag
Alt + LMB 

Centre on mouse positionLMB + double click


If the nodes do not fit into the canvas you will see a navigation box (see image above). The light grey rectangle represents the currently visible nodes:


Area panningDrag light-grey rectangle in the navigation box
Activate navigation boxZoom in until the navigator appears
Deactivate navigation boxZoom out until the navigator disappears

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