Editor Icons

Editor Icons

Here you have access to the “Relationship Editor's” functions and commands. When you move the mouse over these icons you will see a tooltip.


Add new node
Provides direct access to all of RealFlow's scene nodes.
Add new Hub
Create a new → hub node.
Group selected nodes
Choose the desired objects and → group them with this function.
Explode selected nodes
Only the group node will be removed, but not the contained nodes.
Ungroup selected nodes
The group node will be kept, and the contained nodes are detached.
Remove selected
All selected nodes will be removed from the scene.
Frame all nodes
With this function, all nodes will be fit into the → canvas.
Frame selected nodes
With this function, the selected nodes will be fit into the → canvas.
Center on selected nodes
The currently selected nodes will be positioned around the canvas’s centre.
Move selected nodes to a free place
All selected nodes will be moved to a free space.
Add new note
A → note is an editable comment.
Shows/hides all invisible links between the individual nodes.
Press and hold to highlight nodes connected to selected
Shows which nodes are connected to the currently selected node.
Links spreadsheet…
All links are listed in a table. It is also possible to remove or establish connections here.
Auto Layout…
Clear the canvas and separate the nodes from each other.

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