Cameras - Camera

Cameras - Camera

This window provides all necessary parameters for adjusting the camera, respectively the point of view. Most values are animatable to create the desired motion and field of view changes. With imported cameras, many fields are locked, though you are still able to rotate and move them without limitations, but with the next frame or reset, all values are restored.





You can switch the viewport's camera icon on and off with this option. In order to look through a camera, press the 5 key.


This is the point in space the camera is oriented to represented as a dotted line. When "Link target" is used these fields are not accessible, because the “LookAt” vector is then determined by the target node. RealFlow's → “Axis Setup” defines the vertical and horizontal axes. All values are given in metres. Click on “+” for parameter sliders.

Link target

You can use any available node as a camera target. When “Link target” is activated, the camera automatically focuses the selected item, regardless from any performed motion.


This value is given in degrees and controls the camera’s inclination along the horizontal axis.


This is the abbreviation for “Field Of View” and describes the visible section of the scene in degrees. Larger values create a wider impression; small settings will narrow your view, giving more focus on a certain object. "FOV" is connected to "Focal length".

Near Clip Plane

Everything that is between the camera and the near clip plane will not be visible. The plane's distance from the camera is given in metres.

Far Clip Plane

Everything that is behind the far clip plane will not be visible. The plane's distance from the camera is given in metres.


This is the camera's preview and render width in pixels.


This is the camera's preview and render height in pixels.

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