JM - Current Jobs

JM - Current Jobs

This part of the web interface provides information about the appended simulation jobs and their current status.


Use the arrows for determining the job's processing order.


A series of messages informs you about what is happening during simulation:


PendingA job is in the queue and ready to be simulated.
StoppedA job can be halted either before or during a simulation.
SimulatingThe simulation is currently in progress.
FinishedThe simulation has been completed without errors.
Unknown idocThe requested → IDOC, shown in the “IDOC” column, does not exist.
Unknown pathThe given scene/script path is wrong and cannot be reached.
Script errorThe RFS file, specifying the simulation environment, is faulty.
UnlicensedOne or more simulation nodes are unlicensed.
DisconnectedA job in “Simulation” state lost its connection.

This message pops up when a job is currently simulating and the "Job Manager" application was closed or crashed. 

FailedYou can see this status when the simulation failed without a specific reason.
RF Version

Please make sure that all connected job nodes share the same RealFlow version.


If specified you will see the network workgroup's name here.


This is the job node's IP address.

# threads

Shows, how many threads will be used.


This is the currently processed simulation frame. If you want to update this information please click on → “Reload” or enable the → “Reload every” checkbox.


If the jobs uses → IDOCs you will see the currently processed one here.


When a network job is created RealFlow writes a Python script with all relevant information and stores it in a temporary folder.

Start frame | End frame

This is the simulation range of the currently processed job.

Simulation time

This column displays the elapsed simulation time.


Edit Job

A click on the icon opens a new browser page to → edit a job.

Stop Job

Stop a current job and resume with “Restart”.

Restart Job

Resume a stopped or pending job to continue the simulation.

Remove Job

Delete a job from the table.

Add Job

A click on the icon opens a new browser page to → add a new job manually.