CE Tool Bar - Mode
This section consists of three buttons:
Add New Control Point
A new control point, or key, can either be added with this button or by simply double-clicking onto an existing curve, or directly into the graph window. Another option is to Ctrl-click. If you want to add keys by using this button, click on it and place the cursor at the desired position – another click draws a control point. This operation can be repeated as often as required. By clicking on the icon again, the insert mode will be deactivated. By default, new keys are added in "Tcb" mode, but you can change the standard key mode under "Preferences". Another alternative to add keys is double-clicking on the curve or somewhere inside the "Graph" window – the new key will be added immediately.
Remove Control Point
To delete a key you simply have to choose this tool, place the cursor on the desired control point and click once. If you want to leave this mode, just click on the icon again. A control point can also be deleted by selecting it with the cursor and pressing the Del key.
Zoom Tool
With this feature activated it is possible to draw a rectangular selection inside the graph window for zooming into the curve. Another option is to hold the Alt key while dragging the mouse. This mode allows active zooming: dragging to the right, upwards or diagonally (45°) shows larger parts of the curve, while the opposite directions are used to zoom into the curve, revealing more details. To exit the zoom mode, please click on the icon again. If your mouse has a middle wheel, it can be used as well.