CE - Right-Click Menu Keys

CE - Right-Click Menu Keys

The following menu can only be opened when a curve has at least one animation key – with expressions it cannot be seen. You can access it either with a right-click on the “Graph” area or directly onto an animation key. The tangent-related functions are only active when a key is selected. Otherwise these functions are greyed out.

Entries without Submenus



Select All

You can select all keys of the currently active curve(s) with this feature. Marked/selected keys are displayed in brown.

Select None

The current selection can easily be cancelled here.

Delete Selected

If you have one or more keys selected, it is possible to remove them completely with this function.

Break Tangents

If the tangents of a key are too steep or if there is a visible peak, then it is a good idea to break the tangents to achieve a smoother curve. This helps to avoid sudden jumps.

Unify Tangents

A key’s tangents can be adjusted individually for each side, but sometimes it is necessary to use equal settings for gradient, tension, or bias.

Flat Tangents

To flatten out the tangents easily, use this function.

Show Key Properties

A click on this entry opens a new window where you can see a key's current properties and settings. “Show Key Properties” also works with multiple key selections.

"Node Type" Submenu

This entry leads to a submenu to change the node type of the currently selected key(s), e.g. from “Tcb” to “Stepped”.


"Start Node Behaviour" Submenu

Moving the mouse pointer to this function opens another submenu with two entries:




This means that the currently selected attribute’s value is zero until the first key.


With this function the value of the first key is used. Both settings ("Zero" and "Constant") create a line parallel to the X axis. This option only affects the very first key of a curve.

"Last Node Behaviour" Submenu

Located under this entry there is a third submenu to influence the behaviour of the last key




You can reset the attribute’s value to 0.0


Keep the last value with this function.


Creates an endless repetition of the curve segment between the first and the last key.

Loop offset

You can add the key values and create a growing curve.

Follow tangent

This feature uses the last key’s tangent gradient to continue the curve.