How do I place or load python scripts into the GUI version of RealFlow?
A Python script can be placed/loaded into multiple places depending on what you are trying to do inside RealFlow. From the "Batch Script" window (F10) you can add a script from disk by using "Open" from the "File" menu. In the "Simulation Flow" window, Python scripts can be added in at any simulation step by clicking on the desired place and accessing the right-click menu. There, use the "Script" entry to open an editor or "Script From File" to load an existing script from disk. Scripts can also be loaded in a similar way from the "Master" tab in the "Simulation Flow" window.
What is a script?
Scripting is basic programming. Some advanced programmers have created a special type of programming language with several functions and utilities. Scripting tools allow users to program their own tools (within certain limits), overcome program limitations, or create solutions for specific scenes. You can apply Python language scripts to five areas of RealFlow: batch processes, events, daemons, waves, and fluids. Next Limit has designed a full palette of functions that gives users almost total control over simulations.
What is batch scripting?
Batch scripting is a quick way to to check if a script is working correctly. It will be removed when RealFlow is shut down. With this simple example you can get a list of names quickly. Open the "Batch Script" editor and copy/paste the script to the empty canvas. Then, hit "Run":
nodes= scene.getNodes()
for element in nodes:
Please visit the "
RealFlow Resources" page. There you will find numerous scripts available for download.
Are the old RealFlow4 Python scripts compatible with the latest versions of RealFlow?
RealFlow 4 scripts should work in many cases, but some commands have changed with new releases. Please visit the "Contents" entry from the "Help" menu and open the "Scripting Reference" for a complete overview of the available commands and how to use them.
Where is RealFlow4's "Events Script Window"? I cannot find it in my version RealFlow.
Please load Layout > Simulation Flow. There, you will find the "Master" tab that substitutes the RealFlow 4 "Events Script" window and maintains compatibility for old RealFlow 4 scenes containing scripts loaded on the "Events Script" window.