Daemons - Heater

This is a source of heat and can only be used with → gas particles. Hot gas particles become faster and have an increased tendency to expand – on the other hand the daemon can also cool down hot particles.




The "Heater" daemon can either have the shape of a “Sphere” or a “Box”. This also implies that the heater is always bounded.


Enter the desired temperature in Kelvin [K]. For 0°C you have to write 273 K, for 100°C it is 373 K and so on. Values smaller than 273 K represent negative Celsius temperatures. Here is how convert to Celsius and Fahrenheit:

  • Temperature in K = Entered temperature in Celsius – 273
  • Temperature in K = (Entered temperature in Fahrenheit + 459.7) * 5/9

You can also add some variation to the particles to add more randomness and a more realistic behaviour.


This function creates a more random behaviour of the gas particles.

Noise Strength

Here the overall intensity of the noise function is adjusted.

Noise Scale

It is used to determine the frequency (or “randomness”) of the noise function. Higher values create more turbulence.