Daemons - Limbo

Daemons - Limbo

This daemon introduces two parallel planes to the viewport. Between the planes the forces are zero, so the daemon has absolutely no effect on particles or bodies crossing the gap.




There are two options:

  • "Force" accelerates the particles and they become faster and faster as long as the force is acting on them. 
  • “Velocity” only works with particles and adds the daemon's "Strength" value to a particle's speed. The resulting peak velocity remains constant during the simulation.
    An example: Let's assume the daemon's "Strength" is 9.8 and the emitter's "Speed" value is 2.0. Here, a particle's velocity will be roughly 11.8 m/s.
Strength 1

Here you can define the force for the lower plane:

  • Positive values create an attraction force towards the plane.
  • Negative values create a repulsion effect.
Attenuate 1

Choose “Yes” if you want to have a fall-off with the lower plane’s force.

Strength 2

Here you can define the force for the upper plane:

  • Positive values create an attraction force towards the plane.
  • Negative values create a repulsion effect.
Attenuate 2

Choose “Yes” if you want to have a fall-off with the upper plane’s force.

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