Right-Click Menu Filter

The second menu is available from the panel's main canvas.


Entries without Submenus

Expand All / Collapse All

If you want to display/hide the entries of a group you can use these entires.

Show All / Hide all

Both functions are used to manage the visibility of all entries in the "Nodes" window.

Show ...

You can hide or show a complete node class by unchecking/checking the appropriate entry.

"Add" Submenu

From this entry you can open a submenu where you have access to all available node types. Instead of using the “Icon Bar” or “Menu Bar”, nodes can be added from here as well. The elements are grouped. You can also see two more functions:



Add to Default Hub

When this option is active, new nodes will be made globally available and can interact with any other element.

Set Local Axis by Default

RealFlow's standard axis system is local. You can change this here and use the global system instead.