SF - Right-Click Menu Editor

SF - Right-Click Menu Editor

The script and graph editors provide individual right-click menus. Additionally there is a right-click menu for the simulation tree.

Simulation Tree Submenu

As mentioned earlier, the simulation tree provides two different right-click menus. The first one appears after a click on one of the tree's branches, e.g. “StepsPre”:



Add Graph

Attach a new graph event to the simulation.

Add Script

If you want to add and create an event script directly inside RealFlow, choose this entry.

Add Script From File

Scripts can also be loaded and attached from external sources. You can load any valid Python script and add a reference to the simulation tree. Please be careful with scripts from 3rd parties, because they sometimes do not use a correct notation or lack indents. This results in syntax errors.

Add Plugin

With this function you can attach a reference to a plugin on your hard disk. Plugins cannot be edited in RealFlow.

Expand all

To expand all branches of the simulation tree, use this function. You then have access to the attached scripts, graphs and plugins.

Script Submenu

A slightly different right-click menu is opened when you right-click directly onto a script, graph or plugin. In this case you will find some additional entries. Descriptions for “Add Graph”, “Add Script”, “Add Script From File”, “Add Plugin” and “Expand all” are given directly above:




By default, RealFlow assigns a unique ID to a new script, graph or plugin. By clicking on “Rename” the name can be made editable and changed.


Please be careful when you remove a script, graph or plugin, because it will be lost and cannot be restored. If you did not save the Python code or simulation graph, it is not possible to recreate it.

Script Editor Submenu

The Python script editor contains a basic right-click menu with functions for copy/paste and undo/redo actions.


Graph Editor Right-Click Menus

This editor contains a wide variety of complex context menus that are essential for the tool's functionality and a fast workflow. Detailed information about the available menus can be found in the beginner's guide:

RealFlow Graph Guide