Main Menu - Tools

Main Menu - Tools

Tools” provides several useful functions for managing memory and RealFlow issues as well as powerful features like “Retime Simulation” or “Fracture”. Many functions open new windows with extensive function sets, helping you to accelerate workflow or free computer resources.



The following entries specific tools, e.g. to create large arrays of objects or change a simulation's time flow in a post process. Please follow the links to directly jump to the appropriate chapter:


Displays information about the plugins loaded within RealFlow. When this window is open, it is not possible to access the underlying panels and windows of RealFlow.

Here you can see all installed 3rd party plugins together with some information, like ID and a short description, if available. To get access to the underlying RealFlow GUI again, this window has to be closed.

Deletes all particles, meshes, dynamics and deformation files.

You can establish a connection to Next Limit's server to check for updates. This option requires Internet access.

For managing your computer’s RAM, choose an entry of the associated submenu: “Purge Memory” cleans up memory and frees resources. This function should be called when particles start behaving weirdly or fluid simulations are obviously not correct. Only particle simulations can profit from “Purge Memory”. "Purge All Graphs" will remove everything a graph has added to the viewport, e.g. previews of distance fields or the ocean statistical spectrum function. “Clear Undo Stack” empties the list of currently available undo actions.


Class Ids are important for RealFlow's “Command Manager”: every command requires its own Id to make it unique and identify it. Not only built-in commands use Ids, but also C++ plugins and Python scripts. You can see a script's Id, for example, when you open Layout > Simulation Flow and right-click on, let's say, “SimulationPre. When you add a new script RealFlow creates an entry similar to “Script_embedded_441990575”. The number of the appendix is the script's “Class Id”. This also applies to graphs.

For graphs and scripts, Ids are created automatically and normally you do not have to worry about them. But, in some rare cases it might be necessary to generate a new Id. This can be done with the “Generate Class ID” tool.

When you write a C++ plugin, an Id is required as well. In this case, the Id is embedded in the plugin's source code and read out by RealFlow. C++ plugins do not have a built-in Id generator and the corresponding number should be created with this tool:


[ Image: Generate Class ID ]


Choose which Id type you want to create from the drop-down menu..

This is a read-only field where the new Id appears.

Press this button to create an Id for the selected type.

If you want to copy/paste the Id to a plugin's source code or any other resource click on this button.