Create Array

Create Array

This handy function builds a 3D array from the select object. It is a perfect tool to create a large number of objects within a very short time. 



The "Create Array" icon and its settings.


Selected node

This settings represents the original emitter or daemon used for creating the array.

Array type

Here you can see two modes. "Rectangular" arranges the nodes within an imaginary square or box. The "Circular" mode allows you to arrange the nodes along a circle. Please note that the “Items distance” parameter which is used to arrange the nodes works differently for each method.

Number of items [XYZ]

This is the number of added nodes in each direction.

Items Distance [XYZ]

In "Rectangular" mode the values are used to define the space between items in the array. With “Circular”, this parameter defines the radius of the circle that is used to clone the nodes along its path. You can specify a radius for each axis to define a maximum of three different circles.

Offset from selected [XYZ]

The parameter set again consists of three entries and describes the distance from the original node’s position. The entered value(s) will be used to shift all nodes to the given position. This translation is relative to the position of the currently selected object and you can create staggered arrays, for example.

Rotate objects on circular mode

This option can only be used with the “Circular” array type. When it is checked, the nodes will be rotated and aligned along the imaginary circle, forming a cylindrical shape.

Use selected node as first item

The "Array Tool" starts to build the array from this node.

Create MultiBody

Instead of many individual nodes, the newly created objects are grouped within a single node. MultiBodies are much easier to handle and they are drawn much faster in the viewport.

Add to new Group

For a better and easier workflow, the new nodes can also be grouped. Simply tick this checkbox if you want to add the arranged items to a group.


Different object arrangements with the "Create Array" tool.