Visibility & Shading

The following operations affect how nodes and objects are displayed in RealFlow's viewport – this is the user interface's main window and contains a graphical representation of your scene elements. You can find the visibility tools here:

  • Shelves > Display
  • Icon bar > Visibility
  • Selected node > right-click menu (Nodes, Relationship Editor)

RealFlow's visibility tools are available from the "Display" shelf, the icon bar, and the "Nodes'" and "Relationship Editor's" right-click menus.

RealFlow provides four shading modes. You can apply a shading mode for the currently selected node(s) individually, or for the entire scene. The shading modes are available here:

  • Main menu > View > Element
  • Main menu > View > Scene Shading
  • Shelves > Display
  • Icon bar > Visibility
  • Selected node > right-click menu (Viewport, Nodes, Relationship Editor)

Shading modes can be accessed from RealFlow's "Display" shelf, the "View" menu, the icon bar and various right-click menus.

Set Selected Visible

Change a node's or node group's "Visible" option to "Yes" (shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + H).

Set Selected Invisible

Change a node's or node group's "Visible" option to "No" (shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + H).

Set Selected Bounding Box

Change the node selection's shading mode to "Bounding Box". The shortcut is 7.

Set Selected Wireframe

Change the node selection's shading mode to "Wireframe". The shortcut is 8.

Set Selected Flat Shaded

Change the node selection's shading mode to "Flat Shaded". The shortcut is 9.

Set Selected Smooth Shaded

Change the node selection's shading mode to "Smooth Shaded”. The shortcut is 0.