LW - RF SD Importer

LW - RF SD Importer

The "RF SD Importer" loads RealFlow SD scene files. A SD file contains camera, object parameters, and animation data. The camera can be loaded separately from the objects. When an object SD file is selected the number of available objects and the name of the first two objects are listed in a read-only field. When an object with the same name already exists in the scene, the animation will be applied to it from the SD file. The plugin can add objects from your local hard disk automatically, or create missing objects on import. In the latter case, LWO object files are generated for each object and written to selected folder. The user can define whether to load the objects with or without texture information.

The objects which come from RealFlow SD files are listed in a table on the interface. Here you can set whether the animation should be applied to an object or not by clicking on the “Anim” column of the object’s row in the table. More sd files can be added to the same scene as well.


Imported objects from a RealFlow SD file.


The RF SD Importer parameters are:

  • "Camera" contains the path of the camera's SD file.
  • "Objects" contains the path of object SD file.
  • "Missing Objects" defines the import behavior for objects which are not present in the scene.
  • "Skip" does not load any of the missing objects.
  • "Create/Load" adds SD objects which are not present in the scene. The plugin will search in the selected "Object Folder" for "[object_name].lwo" file first. If it exists it loads the object from the hard disk. When no object file is present then it writes out an LWO file to the "Object Folder" and loads it.
  • "Create" adds SD objects which are not present in the scene. It forces LightWave to write out an LWO file for each object to the "Object Folder". When the file already exists the plugin will overwrite it.
  • "Object Folder" is the path of the directory where the LWO files of the missing objects will be generated. It can only be set when "Missing Objects" is set to "Create/Load" or "Create".
  • "Add Texture" loads SD objects with texture data.
  • "Invert Normals" inverts the polygon normal vectors of the imported objects. This option is useful for RealWave objects.
  • "Create Motion Keys" adds keys for each frame of the animation.
  • "Edit" opens the "RF SD Animation" plugin interface of the selected object.
  • "Import" adds the selected camera and/or objects to the scene.