LW - LightWave Particle Export

LW - LightWave Particle Export

If you want to export particles from LightWave's internal particle system please follow these steps:

  • In order to export particles in LightWave you need to add the "Next Limit Plugin Manager" master plugin to the scene. Open the master plugin window by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + Q and select the "Next Limit Manager" plugin from the list.


LightWave particle scene exported to a BIN file sequence.


  • Double-click on the "Next Limit Plugin Manager" to display the user interface and select the "Particle Export" tab.
  • Select the particle system you want to export to BIN sequence. Please note that only objects with an attached particle system are listed in the combo box.
  • Click on the "Directory" button and select folder to export the BIN files.
  • Define the padding in the "File name", "Start frame", and "End frame" parameters and the meta-information in the "Particle File" tab.
  • Press the "Export" button to write BIN sequence.