LW - RF Particle Exporter

LW - RF Particle Exporter

The "RF Particle Exporter" writes particle system data to a RealFlow BIN sequence from "LightWave Layout". The exporter can be found in the "Next Limit Plugin Manager" master plugin’s "Particle Export" tab. The user has to select an object which has an attached particle system or it’s possible to export any object’s vertices as particles. The file names in the sequence are generated from the name and padding parameters when exporting a frame range. Attributes for the BIN file are inherited from the "Particles" tab setup of the object’s "RF Particle Importer" plugin.

The basic setup parameters and additional file information can be set on the "RF Particle Exporter" interface. The setup properties are the following:

  • "Item" is a LightWave object which holds the particles to export. Only objects with attached particle systems can be selected.
  • "Export Vertices of" is used to export an object’s vertices as particles. Because the vertices do not have RF particle attributes, the default values will be used.
  • "Directory" specifies the path of the directory where the RealFlow particle file sequence is written.
  • "Name" is just the particle system's name. It is used in the BIN file name.
  • "Padding" is also part of the BIN file name.
  • "Start Frame" and "End Frame" indicates the frames meant to be exported.
  • "Inc Frame" determines the increment to generate the frames during export.
  • "Export" starts particle export.

The RealFlow particle file contains some meta-information which can not be read from a LightWave particle system. These parameters can be set on the "Particle File" tab:

  • "Fluid Name" is name of the fluid.
  • "Fluid Type" describes the type of the fluid ("Gas", "Liquid", "Dumb" or "Elastic"). This parameter defines the behavior of the fluid.
  • "Frame/sec": defines the frame rate per second used in the RealFlow simulation.
  • "Scene scale" sets the scene scale parameter.
  • "Radius" determines radius of the particles.
  • "Emitter position / rotation / scale" are fluid emitter properties.


The "RF Particle Exporter Particle File" tab parameters.