LW - Importing Meshes

LW - Importing Meshes

The easiest way to import a mesh from RealFlow in LightWave is by using the "Next Limit PlugIn Manager" master plugin:

  • Open the master plugin window by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + Q and select the "Next Limit Manager" plugin from the list.


Add Next Limit plugin Manager master plugin.


  • Double-click on the "Next Limit Plugin Manager" to display the user interface and select the "Mesh" tab.
  • Click on the "File Path" button to choose the mesh sequence generated in RealFlow. Any of the BIN files can be selected.


Selecting a BIN file from the mesh sequence.


  • The "Name" and "Padding" values are set by the file name. If the padding size does not match set the actual padding size with the slider. The "Object Folder" must point to the location of the BIN files by default. LWO object files will be written to this folder.
  • Press the "Add" button and the mesh will be loaded in the "Layout" viewport.
  • The user interface of the "RF Mesh Importer" plugin is displayed on the screen after the mesh is loaded successfully. Here you can set how the mesh object behaves in the scene.
  • The table on the "Next Limit Plugin Manager’s" "Mesh" tab shows the RealFlow mesh objects. The parameter window can be opened with the "Edit" button for a selected object, or removed from the scene with the "Delete" button.


Mesh loaded in LightWave's viewport.