"RealFlowFileBirth" Operator
"RealFlowFileBirth" Operator
The "RealFlowFileBirth" operator acts as the default birth operator. It feeds the entire PFlow system with particles.
"RealFlowFileBirth" operator settings.
The settings for the "RealFlowFileBirth" operator are:
- "RealFlow .BIN file sequence": will open a dialog box allowing the user to select a file from a sequence of files containing simulated particle behavior. After the file has been selected, the prefix for the emitter is calculated based on the format and padding size specified by the user in the “File name options” group.
- "Format": has four predefined file formats that match RealFlow’s file name options.
- "Padding Size": the number of digits used to represent the frame. The frame number will replace “#” from the selected file name format when the final file name is calculated.
- "Prefix": replaces the “name” part in the name format specification.
- "Emit Start": specifies the initial frame in which the "RealFlowFileBirth" emitter should start emitting particles.
- "Emit Stop": specifies the frame in which the "RealFlowFileBirth" operator should stop emitting particles. Please note that if the particles have speed in the BIN sequence files, particles will continue to move after the emitter stops emitting new particles.
- "Offset": specifies the first frame of the BIN file sequence which will be used by the emitter.
- "Inherit emitter TM": all particle positions will inherit the emitter’s position and orientation in the scene. In this way, you can keep particles “under” their own emitter.
A trick to move the particles when we moving the PFlow icon is to apply a “position icon” operator and turn off . Now we can move the particle when we are moving the "PFlow icon.plugin"
Motion Blur for Particles
Particles imported using the "RealFlowFileBirth" operator support motion blur when they are rendered.
"RealFlowFileBirth" Operator and MAXScript
The following attributes are exported to MAXScript:
- Format
- Path
- Prefix
- Padding
- InheritEmitterTM
- EmitStart/EmitStop
- Offset
Also all above mentioned parameters are animatable( see image below)
MAXScript Ids for the “Format” parameter are:
- Name#.ext: 0
- Name.ext.#: 1
- Name#.ext: 2
- Name_#.ext: 3