SE - Exported Objects Column

SE - Exported Objects Column

Once the node from “Objects” columns have been added to this section, they can be exported.



Exported Objects

Here you can see the objects ready to become exported. Every node has a “matrix” tag. When you click on the checkbox the mode changes to “vertex”. Static objects and nodes with animation keys are exported with the “matrix” option. Objects with PLA information or any other form of vertex-based displacement require the “vertex” option. For more information please check the “Add with [matrix | vertex]” option's description in the "SE - Scene Objects Column" page

You can change the mode either individually with the checkboxes, or in one go for an entire node selection with the “Set selected to [matrix | vertex] option. Multiple objects can be selected with the Ctrl key.

Set selected to [matrix | vertex]

The current node selection will be set to the chosen mode. By default, objects are always exported with the “matrix” option. Only if you want to record PLA data do you have to change a node's mode. Please also take a look at the “Add with [matrix | vertex]” option's description for more information.